Women Empowerment

We move families from a cycle of poverty, through a range of leadership trainings, vocational training, equipping with the skills and provision of access to loans they need to have a sustainable living. We acknowledge that there is not only economic poverty but spiritual poverty - which is why we have biblical trainings embedded in all our economic empowerment programs. We strive to see women rise up to take up their God-given roles and responsibilities to help others rise up for Christ as well


Where We Work

We are often the woman-focused organization working in the toughest-to-reach places, to reach women in greatest need. Our work is mostly in all the regions of Uganda. We support women as they reach out to their communities to transform them for Christ. We offer coaching and mentoring help to them as they work
Global Partnership
Refresh Endeavour is an ideal partner to achieve widespread community transformation for Christ Jesus. We pool the strengths of different stakeholders through our innovative collaboration models. Our friends, partners and well-wishers contribute more than money. Their ideas, volunteering support, other help and more help build stronger societies. We create partnerships and strategies that respond effectively to social and community challenges. Refresh Endeavour works with individuals, foundations, and corporate contributions in order to develop our work in supporting women around the world, and to further our vision of Moving Women from Poverty to self-reliance and transform communities for Christ.

What We Do


Evangelism and Outreach

We reach the unsaved masses with the message of salvation to connect them to Jesus. We disciple new converts and give them Bibles before sending them out to help build others also.

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Vocational Skills Training

We help families escape the cycle of poverty, through vocational skills training, and we also support savings and loans groups to invest for the future and set up small businesses.

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Leadership Trainings

Refresh Endeavour focuses on developing a leader’s effectiveness and fostering their spiritual growth, with servant leadership as the core principle.

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Mentorship and Discipleship

Until someone is taught differently, our leadership styles tend to mimic how we were parented and the culture around us. We train leaders to improve the lives of those around them by using the leadership style modeled after Christ Jesus.

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We come alongside women to improve their living standards through microfinance and small scale business support ventures. We give them small scale loans.

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