Vocational Skills

Uganda has one of the fastest growing populations in East Africa with a population of 40,258,858 and 19.5% living below the poverty line; 57% of the population is made up of women.  Studies show that when women are supported and empowered, all of society benefits and communities become more resilient. Women are often considered to be inferior and members of the community do not support them.  They are not supported in gaining skills and no lending institutions or groups will give them loans. They are willing to work but struggle to find employment. Some of the women have no skills they can use to generate income.  

Others have skills but no knowledge on how to run a profitable business, not to talk of having the necessary inputs for their business. We believe that when provided with the right training and tools, these women are able to manage small businesses that provide them income to support their families and build up the community.


Economic Empowerment

We help families escape the cycle of poverty, through a range of vocational training and equipping youth with the skills they need to earn a sustainable income. We support community savings and loans groups to invest for the future and set up small businesses.