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Outreach To Prostitutes with New Sewing Machine

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Outreach to Prostitutes

We have a new sewing machine, thanks to your support! This new machine is more than just a machine to us. It represents a life-changing project. An outreach to the kind of people our Lord Jesus never ignored - people He came to save. The sewing machine will be used in our outreach to prostitutes in Mbale town! We recognise that the root of the problem is sometimes spiritual, and sometimes there are other things at play. According to the local police in Mbale, many women engage in prostitution as a way of survival - because they have been neglected by their husbands or their parents. The women resort to this in order to find money to feed themselves and their children, according to a local newspaper in Uganda. We are excited over the possibilities of this new project!

During our outreaches, the prostitutes we have had the opportunity to encounter, have always expressed the fear of having no other alternative way of making a living. One said, "I want to change - I want Jesus. But how shall we survive?" James 2:15-16 says, 'If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?' With this new sewing machine, we will be able not only to serve them spiritually, but even physically.

There is need to reach these women with the message of the Cross, and we are grateful to God that with friends like you, we will also be able to provide these women practical alternatives to their former way of life. Now, although it is not much, at least the women will have the opportunity to earn a decent living. This will help them to put food on the table at least every day as they look for other lucrative ways to make more money that would help them earn enough to meet all their family's needs. This is a significant moment for Refresh Endeavour as we estimate we will now be able to offer these women an alternative to their way of life, and better, an opportunity for a relationship with Christ. Please pray with us as we reach out to these women.