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Fearless Amidst COVID

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Esther: Fearlessly Going Amidst the COVID Pandemic

It started with a mentor humbly, unselfishly pouring herself into just one woman, Sharon Amali, living in a small African town on the foothills of Mount Elgon. We call these lessons "The Esther Classes", so-called after the book of Esther in the Bible where Queen Esther rose up to take up the leadership role God had given her, thus saving an entire nation. We use Global Advance's "Raising up Modern Day Esthers" leadership training manual for this first part of the training. The mission is to empower women to rise up to their God-given potentials and change their communities for Christ – one woman at a time. For Sharon’s first Esther training class, twelve women joined the class.

Today, another world-changing woman, Esther Nabwire Kudoyi (pictured, in white chair at the front), who is among the graduates from Sharon’s first class is reaching out to her community with the skills she has learnt. Esther has started a class of her own and is training over fourteen women in a village not far from Mbale town. They meet at the home of one of the women’s house and the women will eagerly wait to learn. Esther says that the training she received equipped her to do the work that she is now doing. She is more confident in her leadership and trains the ladies from a position of love because love will keep one going when the world seems to be falling apart and we see little benefit from what we do. The sacrifice Jesus paid at the Cross is enough, and reminds us that God's business is a people-business. The Great Command of Jesus to us in Matthew 28:19-20 concerns ministry to nations; people. He says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations...teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you..." If our ministry is not about or to people, and without love, we might need to re-visit our values.

We look forward in anticipation to the time when we will see communities permeated with the knowlege of God, and see Uganda on fire for Jesus through the work that this slowly, steadily growing movement of women is doing! Glory to Jesus!