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Above is a photo of the Refresh Centre. The Refresh Centre is in Nakaloke, in Eastern Uganda. This will be our ministry headquarters. At the Refresh Centre we will have leaders trained and sent out to train others. We'll have Church leaders trained, evangelists commissioned and sent out. Many will receive practical marketable skills, and loans will be extended to those in need to help them start or boost their smallscale business. We envision many lives transformed in this majorly muslim community, and many coming to the knowledge of Christ Jesus.

We acquired this property late last year with the unfinished building in it. Below is a photo of how it looked like at the time we acquired it. Our plan was to renovate it so we could use it for our activities. This would eliminate the need for rent every month, and also give us more room and flexibility in our activities. Things have not progressed at the speed we had planned. Seeing this building completed is still our dream.

Although the elements have been harsh against the building and have weakened it, we are praying and taking steps to make this place our own and use the space for our activities. We may not be able to use the building for our meetings yet, but we have outdoor space we can use when the weather is friendly. :) So we have fenced the property using chainlink to get the necessary privacy. We can now conduct outdoor activities in this space.

12.3 million people in Uganda live below the poverty line. Over 70% of the people we strategically target live on less than a dollar a day. They are in need of practical marketable skills, financial literacy, access to loans and knowledge on how to get fairer market prices for the commodities they produce. We need a place where we can bring them in and give them the necessary hands-on trainings.

We envisage linkages between producers and buyers, between farmers and the marketplace. The farmers need to be given training on best farming practices. Also, the people in our vocational school need to be connected to markets - they need to find market for the items they sew to be able to earn a living from their skills.

The government gives training, but its effort is not sufficient. The government workers would need to be facilitated to get to every village to sensitise farmers on the best farming practices, and community members on how to add value to their products or how to find market for their products, and yet the government budget is too small to cover all the work that would need to be done in this regard.

That's where we come in. Our combined efforts will help uplift the people who have not had the opportunity to learn from government community workers.

Our economic programs provide an opportunity for evangelism in this community. We see many lives being transformed not only physically, but spiritually as well. Would you join us in this venture?  

Since acquiring this property, we have been able to dig a water-well for the organisation seeing as this community of Nakaloke is not connected to the national water grid.

The queue for water is usually too long, and the water dries up in the dry season. So we opted to dig our own water well so that when we start renovating the structure, we have water readily available for the work to move along at a comfortable pace.  

We have also put in place a chain-link fence. This will help us with keeping the much needed privacy and safety of our property, that is in the building pictured in the same fence with The Refresh Centre.

That building is where we are conducting our trainings currently.  

Would you help us realise our dream? Would you prayerfully consider donating to help us build the Refresh Centre?