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Nostalgia (Isaiah 44:22)

It happens when am walking along. Seemingly happy. At times it will happen when am talking to someone or when I lie awake on my bed. It is a sense of emptiness. I start to miss something. And it feels like a place. A place in my mind. The place where I felt safe. The place where worship was free and spontaneous. The place where I spent countless hours with God - chatting and smiling.
It suddenly feels like a lonely road. I feel like am all alone on this road. And it is not so bright out here - the light is dim. I see no one bypassing me, or walking behind me or in front of me. I feel vulnerable. I am scared. There is no life in this place. I want to go back to where I had joy, to where the streets were well lit.

There are times I have felt like that. I have been so busy, so pre-occupied with working for God and doing other earthly business that I didn't even notice when I left that safe place with God. It is like I was so engrossed in what I was doing and kept walking farther and farther away and only noticed when it was way too quiet and dim around me.
Do you ever feel like me? Are there times that you have wished you would go back to how things were with God? Do you still have the first love which you had for Him? Would you still do anything for Him like you would have when you first started out? Do you still know Him like you used to?
The truth is that a righteous person falls down - s/he falls and s/he gets right back up. That is what saints are. They fall down and they get up.

If you feel like you have drifted so far from the Lord, there's no better time to get back to Him than now. Yes, right now! As you read this, now is the perfect time to go back. Do the things you used to do. Go back to the basics. Give Him more time out of your busy schedule. Wake up in the night just to tell Him hello. Look up in the sky just to smile at Him. Take time to be honest with Him, tell Him how you truly feel. Stay silent in His presence if you don't have the words to say. An honest cry in His presence is better than thousands of sweet words that you don't mean. It is okay to let out the misery... let Him see the pain, the tears and the ache. 
Take time studying the Bible, slowly, like the world has come to a standstill. Pause a bit to reflect upon what you have just read. Ponder. It is alright. Take your time.
There is no amount of work that you can do for God that can ever make up for your relationship with Him. No matter how many souls you win for the kingdom, your stand with the Lord is what matters the most. 
You don't have to burnout - go back to the source. His arms are stretched wide open waiting for you to make the move.